The Seven Planes of Existence

The Seven Planes of Existence is a conceptual model used to help us understand the Creator of All That Is. Vianna Stibal states, "It is through the Creator of All That Is that we learn how to create physical healing, how to progress spiritually and how to find enlightenment."
The First Plane of Existence consists of all non-organic material - rocks, soil, minerals and crystals.
The Second Plane of Existence consists of all organic material - vitamins, plants, trees and spirits that protect the earth.
The Third Plane of Existence is where animals and humans co-exist together.
The Fourth Plane of Existence is the realm of the spirit, where humans exist after death.
The Fifth Plane of Existence is where both positive and negative entities co-exist. Positive entities may include angels, enlightened beings and Ascended Masters.
The Sixth Plane of Existence is the Laws. Included are all the laws that govern the universe, galaxy, planets and ourselves.
The Seventh Plane of Existence is the Creator of All That Is, the pure energy of Creation.
More detail can be found on each of the seven planes in ThetaHealingTM: Introducing an Extraordinary Energy-Healing Modality.