Energy Testing
Energy testing is the technique used in ThetaHealing® as a complete mind-body connection, an accurate detection of subconscious beliefs. It enables you to establish physical communication with your subconscious. This is your entire being - all experiences, emotions, beliefs and memories stored within you - which has its own electromagnetic field that controls various functions of your body, including muscle movement.
Asking your body questions in the form of statements thus provides a good indication of what is true or false in your subconscious. If your name is Paula and you state, “My name is Paula,” this will resonate as true within your subconscious. Your electromagnetic field will then send a positive frequency around your body and your muscles will subsequently strengthen. Alternatively, if you state, "My name is Gloria," this will resonate as false within your subconscious. Your electromagnetic field will send a negative frequency around your body and your muscles will subsequently weaken.
Here are two of the most common methods of muscle testing in ThetaHealing®. Before you start energy testing, drink plenty of water as dehydration will result in your body not giving you accurate results.
Finger Testing:
1) Make a circle with your thumb and index finger.
2) Hold the circle firm and say the word “Yes.” Notice the muscles strengthening. Use the index finger and thumb of your other hand and attempt to pull through the closed fingers. Your practitioner may also do this for you. Your fingers will stay strong and intact.
3) Now hold the thumb and index fingers firm once more and say the word “No.” Notice the muscles weakening. Use the index finger and thumb of your other hand to pull the closed fingers apart. Your fingers will become weak and open.
Body Sway:
1) Stand upright facing north with your legs shoulder-width apart.
2) Look directly ahead, close your eyes and state the word “Yes.” Notice your body sway forward.
3) Now say the word “No.” Notice your body sway backward.
Your body is like the hands on a compass pointing north or south using electromagnetic forces. The body reacts like the compass pointer to the same electromagnetic force and will sway back or forth according to what you ask.
How is EnergyTesting Used?
The use of energy testing allows yourself and others to test for the negative beliefs currently held within the subconscious. Once you change a negative belief into a positive one, you can muscle test straightaway and see how your beliefs have been changed from negative to positive.
For example:
"I believe I will always be rejected" into
"I believe I am loved and accepted"
Test your subconscious beliefs and feelings on the following:
I am worthy of being loved.
I am worthy of being in a relationship.
I am worthy of having money.
I am worthy of being in a job I love.
I am worthy of being healthy.
Did you test "no" for any of those? Would you like to change that? If so, try ThetaHealing®.