Oneness Process - A Complementary Healing Modality I an sponsoring in 2017
Course Description and Registration
Margaret Fields Kean's ONENESS process of Natural Process of Brain Efficiency for spiritual emergence & soul integration
Level 1 (intended for beginners with no kinesiology experience) - 3 to 4 hours
a) guided visualization
b) overview framework graphic
c) process map to facilitate a balance session with categories of challenges/strengths 12 Major categories
d) demo of balances; Q & A during a balance
e) supervised … balance sessions by students
Facilitation Materials
- hard copy of guided visualization
- laminated overview framework
- laminated process map for facilitation of balances
Honour Fees: $80 + $20 materials. Total $100
Level 2 (intended for people with some muscle-checking proficiency) - 3 to 4 hours
a) guided visualization
b) 100 key frequency words in 16 columns
c) in-depth facilitation with age recessions
d) demo of balances; Q & A during a balance
e) supervised … balance sessions by students
Facilitation Materials
- hard copy of guided visualization
- laminated graphic overview framework plus a column format of 100 key frequency words
Honour Fees: $80 + $20 materials. Total $100
Level 3 (pre-requisite Levels 1 or 2) - 3 to 4 hours
a) guided visualization
b) conducting in-depth “Consistency and Efficiency” sessions re: deep-rooted concrete base challenges
c) community constellation dynamics & world multi-verse healing
d) demo of balances; Q & A during a balance
e) supervised… balance sessions by students
Facilitation Materials
- hard copy of guided visualization
- flexible process poster for multiple constellation subjects
Honour Fees: $80 + $20 materials. Total $100
Level 4 (pre-requisite Levels 1 or 2) - 3 to 4 hours
- guided visualization
- Dance of Divine Order (Relationships)
- demo of balances; Q & A during a balance
- practicum/supervised facilitation of balance sessions
Facilitation Materials
- hard copy of guided visualization
- hand out on Dance of Divine Order (Relationships)
Honour Fees: $80 + $20 materials. Total $100
Four hour introduction to Touch for Health webinar
Intro to Touch for Health 1-4
- History / Tree,
- Triangle of Health;
- Switching on Technique:
- Hydration;
- Central Meridian;
- The Cross-crawl for Fun;
- Auriculars;
- Meridian Massage;
- Accurate Muscle Monitoring
- Visual Inhibition
$100 CAD including copy of 14 priority muscle dance

Results healing, or results is a modality created by Margaret Fields Kean after a near death experience. In the 1970s, Margaret had a phenomenal near death experience or NDE. She visited heaven, met Jesus and other beings of light, and was told she would become a healer on her return to earth. She explained this to me like this: “It was as if I decided when in the presence of this great light of unconditional love, that the greatest service I could give on earth was to be a healer. And at the same time, the divine presence that was before me, manifested as Jesus Christ was also telling me to be a healer. It was as if we decided this together from a place of oneness.” Margaret was clinically brain dead for 7 minutes during her first NDE. She learned many healing techniques during her visit to heaven, and returned as a prodigal healer.
Margaret Fields Kean
Over a 30 year period she refined and developed her healing system that she simply called Results. Results combines aspects of muscle testing or kinesiology, body alignment and the use of whole food nutritional supplements all based in an understanding of your soul’s priorities for healing. She ran a holistic healing center in Virgina, on Smith Mountain Lake, for many years and traveled to Africa for 6 months a year to do healing work with indigenous populations. One of the last students of Margaret Ann Richardson Kean, peace be upon her, is James Whittle[ ] who wrote the following:
"Margaret Fields Kean Margaret Fields Kean was a healer extraordinaire, who after a case of phlebitis, went brain dead for 7 minutes, and traveled through another dimension she called heaven. Author PMH Atwater recorded Margaret’s near death experience or NDE in a couple of her books.
"While Margaret was in heaven she met many beings of light, who she recognized as angels, and then was transported to a great circle of beings of light who were holding hands in a ring of oneness. She was escorted to the largest light in the circle and knew that this was Jesus Christ. She began conversing with Jesus in a way she described as telepathic.
"During this conversation with Jesus she knew that she would return to earth and as she visualized her life back on earth, she had the thought that by becoming a healer she could best serve her highest purpose in life. She explained this to me in person and said “As I realized and told Jesus I could be a healer I also felt a slight bit of fear, for I was a housewife up until then, and being a healer seemed like something that would be hard for me to accomplish…but in the presence of Jesus all fear left me and I just felt the most indescribable love imaginable.”
"Margaret came back into her body and later started a healing center at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. She would travel half the year in Africa doing healing work with indigenous populations, and the other half of the year train people in the healing system that she simply called results."
PMH Atwater has now mentioned Margaret and her experiences in four books, and at several conferences. She has also written in Beyond the Light... 1994 on p. 229 in reference to spiritual emergence networks:
“Their Results System is especially geared to help those in the process of transformation integrate the aftereffects [of near-death experiences] constructively.”
“Their program of repatterning left and right hemispheres so each can work more harmoniously with the other is excellent.”
[Note from Martee: With Margaret's "wing it"applications, the learning menu options expanded beyond the seminal foundational work done in laterality dimension brain re-patterning by Dr. Paul, and Gail Dennison in 1981 in Educational Kinesiology.]
When asked for a name of her body of work, Margaret told students it was a "wing it" system and her students came up with the term "Results System." Margaret trained me in Part 2 of the rites of passage near-death experience model Natural Process of Brain Efficiency guided visualization, when she taught it for the first time publicly at SUNY Geneso in 1995, at a "Visions of Tomorrow" Conference. She certified me as an advanced results facilitator, and instructor in 1995 and 1996 thru her School of Holistic Healing Arts, Institute of Higher Healing, which she founded with Len Kean [] and Dr. Vernon Sylveste.
In the basic results program we spend the first three days with the Natural Process as a guided visualization AND modality. The school closed in 1997. In 2007-8 Margaret came out of retirement and folded Parts I and 2 of the Natural Process... into the re-named and simplified: "God's Priority Indicator Results System" originally a 21 day course and 15 days when I took it. Margaret's message lives on thru those who continue to spread it. I share what I learned from her work when I present at national conferences and during playshops and courses, as well as on radio and thru webinars, and in private consultations (in-person or distant).
Anyone interested in a calendar of events and in organizing/sponsoring events world-wide, please contact Martee (ThOmas MartIn) TegTmeyer at [email protected], 613.769.5575. ca.linked On parle français. Mann spricht deutsch. I also welcome presenters to share their work at monthly consciousness-raising community building not for profit events at Ottawa Canada. For info email [email protected].
Margaret Fields Kean
Over a 30 year period she refined and developed her healing system that she simply called Results. Results combines aspects of muscle testing or kinesiology, body alignment and the use of whole food nutritional supplements all based in an understanding of your soul’s priorities for healing. She ran a holistic healing center in Virgina, on Smith Mountain Lake, for many years and traveled to Africa for 6 months a year to do healing work with indigenous populations. One of the last students of Margaret Ann Richardson Kean, peace be upon her, is James Whittle[ ] who wrote the following:
"Margaret Fields Kean Margaret Fields Kean was a healer extraordinaire, who after a case of phlebitis, went brain dead for 7 minutes, and traveled through another dimension she called heaven. Author PMH Atwater recorded Margaret’s near death experience or NDE in a couple of her books.
"While Margaret was in heaven she met many beings of light, who she recognized as angels, and then was transported to a great circle of beings of light who were holding hands in a ring of oneness. She was escorted to the largest light in the circle and knew that this was Jesus Christ. She began conversing with Jesus in a way she described as telepathic.
"During this conversation with Jesus she knew that she would return to earth and as she visualized her life back on earth, she had the thought that by becoming a healer she could best serve her highest purpose in life. She explained this to me in person and said “As I realized and told Jesus I could be a healer I also felt a slight bit of fear, for I was a housewife up until then, and being a healer seemed like something that would be hard for me to accomplish…but in the presence of Jesus all fear left me and I just felt the most indescribable love imaginable.”
"Margaret came back into her body and later started a healing center at Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. She would travel half the year in Africa doing healing work with indigenous populations, and the other half of the year train people in the healing system that she simply called results."
PMH Atwater has now mentioned Margaret and her experiences in four books, and at several conferences. She has also written in Beyond the Light... 1994 on p. 229 in reference to spiritual emergence networks:
“Their Results System is especially geared to help those in the process of transformation integrate the aftereffects [of near-death experiences] constructively.”
“Their program of repatterning left and right hemispheres so each can work more harmoniously with the other is excellent.”
[Note from Martee: With Margaret's "wing it"applications, the learning menu options expanded beyond the seminal foundational work done in laterality dimension brain re-patterning by Dr. Paul, and Gail Dennison in 1981 in Educational Kinesiology.]
When asked for a name of her body of work, Margaret told students it was a "wing it" system and her students came up with the term "Results System." Margaret trained me in Part 2 of the rites of passage near-death experience model Natural Process of Brain Efficiency guided visualization, when she taught it for the first time publicly at SUNY Geneso in 1995, at a "Visions of Tomorrow" Conference. She certified me as an advanced results facilitator, and instructor in 1995 and 1996 thru her School of Holistic Healing Arts, Institute of Higher Healing, which she founded with Len Kean [] and Dr. Vernon Sylveste.
In the basic results program we spend the first three days with the Natural Process as a guided visualization AND modality. The school closed in 1997. In 2007-8 Margaret came out of retirement and folded Parts I and 2 of the Natural Process... into the re-named and simplified: "God's Priority Indicator Results System" originally a 21 day course and 15 days when I took it. Margaret's message lives on thru those who continue to spread it. I share what I learned from her work when I present at national conferences and during playshops and courses, as well as on radio and thru webinars, and in private consultations (in-person or distant).
Anyone interested in a calendar of events and in organizing/sponsoring events world-wide, please contact Martee (ThOmas MartIn) TegTmeyer at [email protected], 613.769.5575. ca.linked On parle français. Mann spricht deutsch. I also welcome presenters to share their work at monthly consciousness-raising community building not for profit events at Ottawa Canada. For info email [email protected].
FOR ALLIED SERVICES, Contact: “MARTEE” Facilitator
ThOmas MartIn TegTmeyer, BA Hons, Director, Holistic Integrative Arts Testimonials , , Transcutaneous Acupuncture Certified, Ordained in the Order of Melchizedek (1995), instructor (2012); adopted in the Nemenhah integrative arts tradition (2007) Mail: Box 128 Sydenham ON K0H 2T0 Canada Phone: 613.769.5575 Email: [email protected] Area served:
Founder, & Director (Holistic Healing Arts) Ulitmate Wellbeing EDUCATiON 1995 to present The Inherent Symbol of Flow: Dr. Wayne Cook’s and Brain Gym® Hook-Ups How to temporarily balance your nervous system so that you can receive more energy - and it will only take from 5 seconds to 5 minutes! The Ontario and American Polarity Associations. October 2005 Founder and Host August 1998 to present Dec 2016: International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) western conference, Phoenix Webinar DECEMBER 4, 2016 10:45 am-12:00 pm Uplifting Laser and Other Applications to Nourish The Soul, Mind and Body DECEMBER 4, 2016 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Post-Conference Workshop: Revolutionary ONENESS Laser Acupuncture & Nutrition Oct 2016: wholelifeexpo Workshop presentation LASER ACUPUNCTURE TO CLEAR ENERGY BLOCKS & HOW TO BOOST NUTRITION Dec 2016: I am alive, Wellness Learning Centre Oneness Healing with Thomas Martin Tegtmeyer Feb 2016: I am alive, Wellness Learning Centre Validating Your Inner Knowing September 5, 2015:, San Antonio WALKING HER TALK: THE LEGACY OF MARGARET ANN RICHARDSON KEAN’S DOCUMENTED RITES OF PASSAGE (“NATURAL PROCESS OF BRAIN EFFICIENCY, PARTS 1 AND 2″ NDE PROCESS) GENERAL SESSION | SATURDAY | CONCURRENT PRESENTATION & POSTER PRESENTATION July 2014: Touch For Health Kinesiology Association Journal of 39th Annual Conference, Austin, Texas The Hero’s Quest for Ultimate Efficiency of the Conscious and Unconscious Realms. |